Post 5 >> A Photograph you like

 Dear all,

Your assignment this week is writing about your favourite photograph.

Please include:

Who took it
What it shows
When it was taken
Why you like it
Upload it too

Include any other information you'd like to mention.

- Number of words: 150

- Leave comments on at least 3 of your classmates' posts + a comment in your teacher's post. 

Hello everyone! Today I am writing about my favourite picture, it took me a while to choose it but I finally got it.

This picture was taken by me in 2011 as far as I remember. She is my grandmother and what I love about it, is that I can feel the exact moment when I took it, I just can listen to her voice and laugh all over again.

I got this photograph from my very first digital camera, in her house with her dogs and also next to her beloved chimney, which always kept her warmth during the cold winters in San Fernando.

The reason she is laughing? I was telling her one of my usual jokes, so as you can see, she was laughing with me.

My grandma is resting in peace since roughly a year ago. Even I can't have her physically, I certainly believe that she is living with and in me... As Canserbero said "No se muere quién se va, solo se muere quién se olvida". That keeps me happy every single day :)


  1. this picture gives me a thousand years of life and touched my heart, it reminded me of my late grandmother too, wise words said cansebero
    best regards!

  2. what a beautiful smile, you can tell she was enjoying the moment, great shot!

  3. This picture is so pretty! This moment makes me feel nostalgic, but in a good way... She looked very cute :D And she will always be with you! Regards

  4. Beautiful picture! i can even feel the moment too

  5. I think the photo is so beautiful, the sentimental value is worth a lot, I love my grandmothers very much and also every year I see them I take a picture of them to remember how it is to be with them.

  6. What a beautiful photo, it really is nice that you were able to save those moments and today you can relive them!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. How beautiful your grandmother teacher Claudio! I'm sure she is proud of you! I love how sincere the image is and you can see the purity! What a great reflection you left us! Cheers!

  9. Wow...what a beautiful physical memory photograph can be, no just about see the person you love, but also it takes u back to the moment that you live with her. The expression of u grandma spread out happiness and nostalgia ❤️Also I like the composition and the contrast you made ✨

  10. The photo and the story touched my soul, it made me remember my grandmother and how much I miss her :c

  11. what a beautiful shot !! I can feel that warm atmosphere just by seeing her and that chimney, it makes me want to travel to the south of Chile again

  12. What a tender photo teacher and what he says about Canserbero, very wise ...

  13. What good memories, I can feel the laughter of your grandmother just by seeing the photo, a great moment captured with the camera and very natural that in my opinion is the main thing. Best regards .

  14. this picture is so beautiful, i think that is so nice that you can have memories of your grandmother.

  15. Wow! Beautiful photography, capture the moment very well. The way she laughs touched my heart. (❁´◡`❁)

  16. The photo of your grandmother gives me a thousand years of life. I have few pictures of my grandmother but she is smiling in all of them.

  17. hello teacher, hope you're well.
    What a nice picture, it reminds me of when I used to visit my grandmother in the field and she would always sit by the fireplace uwu.
    It's a pity that your grandmother is not present in your life physically, but I'm glad you still remember her.

  18. Hello Teacher, very beautiful photography, it is impressive how a photo can bring so many memories and relive a moment that we live in our past.

  19. This type of photos are I so like, beacuse this represent one moment of spontaneity and sincerally of person, and for me are the most appreciate it.

  20. that's so sweet, I'd never meet my grandmothers so when people talk about them it make me feel like she are like a precious treasure to them

  21. Hi teacher hope you are well, this photo is the representation of the simplicity of happy moments in family and specially with the grandfathers, a little conversation with them and you can learn a lot of his experience.


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