Post 1 >> My Auto Biography

Instructions for Blog Session 1: "My Autobiography"

You have to include:

- Birth information
- Studies information (elementary /high school/ university)
- Family information
- Hobbies
- Others...

> Number of words: 120 (minimum).
> Remember to make comments on three of your classmates posts + a comment on your teacher post as well.

Hi everybody, I would like to introduce myself so you can know a little bit more about me. I was born in 1989 in Santiago and I have always lived here, although I would love to live in the south of Chile some day, nearby Frutillar as there are beautiful and quiet landscapes.

I studied at Universidad Catolica Silva Henriquez where I made good friends and learned not only about my career but also about myself, so I could say I grew up in many senses those years. Last year, I finished my Master's Degree which made me really happy.
Teaching English is something I enjoy every day, and now when I think about the decision I made of studying pedagogy, I realize I just do not regret it at all.

About my family I can tell you that I have a brother, he is thirty four years old and he is a musician. We share the some interests like movies, books and the kind of music we listen to; for that reason we always go to concerts together. Another thing we have in common is that we love animals, that is why we adopted a cat and a dog who get along really well (luckily).

Whenever I have some free time I enjoy riding my bikes, playing the guitar, reading and practicing sports. I try to go up hill twice or three times a week as this is something I can adapt according to my schedule.

In general, I really enjoy learning new things specially outdoor sports because I love nature.

Well, dear students... what is your story? :)



  1. I like know more about my teachers jajajaj that’s all interesting, I hope same, I like English and this classes help us to grow up and learn more, kisses <3

  2. Hi teacher, I would love to live in the south of the country too! when i was in my gap year i got the chance to live in a little town called Chamiza, near Puerto Montt. EVERYTHING WAS SO NICE, the air, people, even the cold weather! by the way, what was the last concert you went to? (before the pandemic)

  3. Your story makes me happy! It´s awesome when people working on something they love... And I hope to see your pets sometime, probably they are so cute! :)

  4. Hello teacher, i would like to have as close a connection with my brothers like you :(.
    It sounds like you and your brother get along very well.
    I also like to read, I would like to know what kind of books you like.

  5. It's feel very nice for me to be a student of someone who is proud of his profession and is passionate about it more than money, you're an example for others to follow.

  6. Hi! nice auto biography, is an interesting life. Your hobbies sound fun, i'm enjoy too riding my bike and practicing sports.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi teacher Claudio. I hope you're well.
    Reading your post has been a pleasure. How nice to read that being a teacher and teaching English was the best decision you could have made. That speaks very well of you and that you're a professional with a lot of vocation.
    On the other hand, I'm glad that you have an excellent relationship with your brother, that you share interests, tastes, and even pets. Personally, I love pets, I love cats and dogs, they are the best company one can have.
    Finally, what great hobbies you have, playing outdoors sports the best thing you can do to de-stress and get away from the daily routine.
    Have a great week.

  9. Hi Teacher, your story is very interesting and inspiring and what a good idea to want to live in the south of Chile, just like you I love the landscapes and quiet of those places, I hope you can do it at some point.

    And one question, if it's not Frutillar would you like to go live somewhere else?

  10. Hi sirrr, i think that your story is magnificent. Before the coronavirus, i was going to climb hills 1 time per week and i too like ride my bike every time that i can.

  11. Wooah, I have a very close frind of mine that is studing English Pedagogy at the same university!. I can't understand how you guys make riding bike see it so easy, i'm really afraid of it!, and it's nothing that the age fix, I'm old and still can't make it!!, anyways the blog make it feel's like we can meet eachother, something that the pandemia stole us :(, it's kind of nice.

  12. Hi teacher, I like the animals and nature too, in my opinion adopt or rescue animals it’s so much better that buy it, and the dogs and cats get along better than we think.

  13. Hi teacher
    Your life sounds great! but I have some questions, what kind of musician is your brother? what are yours favorite movies and books?
    I would to live in south of chile too, but in curaco de velez.

  14. Hi teacher

    I feel that when a teacher loves his career he manages to transmit a bit of that passion to his students, so I'm glad you are one of them!

    It must be nice to live in Frutillar, the landscapes are very beautiful and the pastries are very tasty.

    Thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope you have a nice day!

  15. Hi teacher, reading his story I see you like animals, me too, especially the cats but I think you forgot one of the most important things, so I gonna ask you, what is the name of your pets?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Dear teacher I loved your story. Like you, I love pets. Two weeks ago I adopted two cats that were homeless. Their names are ANTÜ and KÜYEN. Also I appreciate that you are a teacher who works with passion. I'm hopeful to learn a lot in this class. I also like the south of Chile, because it has green landscapes and it's immense volcanoes full of snow.

    Have a nice day. I'll see you in class.

  18. Hello teacher, congratulations for your master’s degree, I think that is important to continue studying, because your mind remains active and there are also new opportunities to continue developing in what you like, I hope so everyone could do it. Regards, bye.

  19. I really enjoyed reading about you. His vocation is very great and it seems incredible to me. We have many hobbies in common! I would like to know more about your musical tastes, I also love going to concerts. Does your brother play in a band? Nice to meet you teacher, see you in class :)

  20. Hi teacher, I find your story very interesting and I admire very much that you have a good relationship with your brother and that you share the same interests together.
    I hope you have a good year, regards.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Hi Teacher
    I want to congratulate you for your master's degree because it isn't an easy thing to obtain. My cousin (she is like my sister) and I also like to go to concerts although we don't share so many interests like you and your brother.
    I want you to know that I would also like to live in a place with beautiful and quiet landscapes, as my mother lives in such a place in Norway and I would like to live with her in the future. I invite you to come to Norway some day. It's beautiful

  23. teacher, is so nice to hear that you are happy with your disicion , I wish everyone could say they chose their career right, I hope I can say the same about mine in a few years. It was very good to read about you I can´t wait to next blog.

  24. Hi teacher! what an interesting story and it's great to hear that you love your profession with vocation.
    I like riding my bike as well, even more when i'm on the fields with fresh air haha.
    I hope that you have a great weekend :)

  25. I live in the south of Chile, temuco, and I understand your wish to live here. In this part of Chile we can find many beautiful places and connect very well with nature. temuco connects you with all kinds of landscapes, coasts, mountains, lakes, national parks, ski centers, and more, I recommend.

  26. I can finally write on your blogs 😭😭 teacher!! As you like sports and teaching, we could have gone on trekking for a class, where we could have to speak only english hahahah I wish we were in normal times. :(


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