Post 2 >> Why did you choose this Career/study Programme?

 Write about:

- Your dream jobs when you were a child
- Other career options that you had at the moment of applying to university
- What made you decide in the end
- Your experience at university until now
- The kind of job you would like to have

> Word count: 130 words
> Don't forget to leave comments on three of your classmates posts and on your teacher's post as well.

I can't really remember if I had a dream job as a child ... I think I never really thought about professions until I was forced to it. However, after finishing high school I had some options like kinesiology or occupational therapy because I wanted to help people but then I realized that I can't deal with injuries so it was not my area at all. I'm not really good at maths either so I guess my options were always closer to the humanist area.

One thing that helped me decide to become an English Teacher was the fact that with English I had different job possibilities like working at schools, institutes, higher education, tourism, as english tutor, etc. Moreover, I enjoyed teaching so I think I made the right choice.
Before getting to Universidad de Chile I worked in other places like schools and english institutes but I didn't like all the bureaucracy of these institutions. At this moment, I feel comfortable working with university students because they are responsible at this age and I like to meet people from the different faculties. 

I don't know for how long I'll be working here, or if I'll continue as a teacher for many years but there's one thing I know... at the age of fifty I'd like to move to the south of chile and work there in something different, I don't know... maybe something related with tourism. Well, this is for now maybe I'll change my mind in the future, you never know that's around the corner.


  1. I like versatility of English, you can work in many things! It give us many posibilities along all our life. I believe that you will be a very good turist guide! I hope find us in a future hahaha... Have a good week :)

  2. A life beyond the city and the pollution… I think is the better idea jajaja have a good and long life, whit out difficulties it’s the ideal <3

  3. Something we all agree on is that south of Chile is the best in the country. The food is delicious and the people is very nice. I hope you enjoy it! 😁

  4. Hello teacher, I would like to know the south of Chile too !!!
    It is all very beautiful, the sky looks much cleaner and there are many trees. It's like a dream.
    I hope you can meet your goals. =)

  5. Hi Teacher, the tourism project in south of Chile seems to me to be something extraordinary, I have a friends who work in a tourism agency and sometimes their biggest difficulties are the language, as many foreign tourists arrive who come to know beautiful places in south of Chile.

  6. hii sir, i think that your idea to move to the south of chile is just amazing, i love the south because a have family there, also there are so many diferent jobs to try

  7. hello teacher, I think that's true when you talk abaout the different job possibilities with english studies, I hope to learn more. I enjoy your stories every week. I will be waiting for that.

  8. I think your future plans are great, I hope you can make them happen.

  9. My sister it's an occupational therapist and it's a thought career, I would cry about every story of the people tell to her, it's really sad, it needs guts. I hope that your future dream job, the next step it comes true, untill next week

  10. Hi Teacher, Im very happy for you, is very difficult learn english and too much when is teaches bad, but in your case i think you are really a passionate for your job and you very happy whit teache this lenguaje.

  11. On these days it’s difficult for teacher to work in schools. They are so strict there, kids take everything for granted and some parents just turn the task harder 😭 I like the way you make us interact, it’s more dynamic and we can know about our classmates and also about you, no just as a teacher but a person. 🥰

  12. Hello Teacher, I hope you're well.
    I have a cousin who is an English teacher, just like you, and everything you mentioned as a job opportunity is true. I'm happy for you that you were able to make up your mind and that you had the support of your teacher.
    I think everyone's dream nowadays is to go and live in the south of Chile JAJAJ, it's understandable, it's a magical and beautiful place. I hope you achieve everything you set out to do and that you're very happy.

  13. I really hope you can make it, the dream of living in the south ((such
    a wonderful lands there!)) and working with something that you are passionate about sounds like a good plan :)!

  14. I think it's incredible that you do your job with passion. The teacher's work is very important for the development of any society. From my point of view, learning English today is fundamental because it is the universal language and it helps us to interact with different cultures. I hope you can achieve your wishes to work in the south sometime.

  15. Hi teacher, same as you I can't deal with injuries OMG if i see blood i get very dizzy so the medicine it never was an option for me jaja I can't even see needles because I fainted.

  16. Yeah I agree, know english is a excellent form to obtain many opportunities in differents areas or jobs. I like the south of the country too, it's beautiful, and really calm compared with Santiago.

  17. It's true when it is say that in the school is a little reponsible, but i would have liked pay more attention in English classes.

  18. It is nice to read that in the future you would like to live in the south of Chile, there are very beautiful landscapes where you can spend the years. I find pedagogy very beautiful and I admire the teachers, even more in this modality.

  19. I am glad that you feel comfortable teaching your students, because in my opinion that is especially important for good communication between students and their teachers.

  20. Hi teacher, what an interesting area of english and how you work with it. The south of the country is beautiful and it would be fun to go with a turistic kind of view.

  21. Thank you for choosing to be a teacher in a country where teachers are poorly valorated, the south of Chile is amazingly beautiful, I’ve lived here all my life and I can’t get enough of it.


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