Post 3 >> My Favourite Piece of Technology

 Write about your favourite piece of technology


What it is.
When you got it.
How you use it.
How often you use it.
Why you like it.
What life would be like without it.

- 140 words minimum.
- Include a picture.
- Comment on your teacher's post and 3 of your classmates’ blogs.

Today I'll talk about my favorite piece of technology. I have to admit that it was kind of difficult at first thinking about only one, as we have many technological devices that we use every day and make our life easier. I realized how important is for most of the people having their cellphones for example. Nowadays everybody spend a lot of time in front of their computers or sending text messages, but to tell the truth I'm not a tech fan. I actually don't use them very often and I've never played those popular cell games, so despite their are useful tools in my life of course, I wouldn't say that I actually "enjoy" using them. But then I started thinking Which one of them I really like? and what first came to my mind was my camera.

I love taking photographs! ... since I can remember I've always have fun taking photos, when I was younger I used a small camera, but two years ago I bought a professional one with more options to make photographs more precise. When we go on holiday with my family I really enjoy to capture all those beautiful moment with people I love, and from landscapes I don't want to forget.

For some people is annoying carrying a camera all the time, or they are worried because they want to look good in every photograph, but I like to take them in spontaneous moments, like when people is laughing or they look happy and they don't realize that I'm taking photos, so then they are surprised to see them.

Some people say that the problem with the cameras nowadays is that you can take hundreds of photos and you never have time to see them all, and that's right but at least in my case I check them and after erase those who are not that good I put them on a CD, so every time we want to see them again we have them there.

Of course I would like to learn how to use it properly because it has many options and everything I know I have learned it on my own, so I'm thinking of taking one of these courses so I can take advantage of the full potential of the camera.

What about you? What is your favorite piece of technology?


  1. A camera it is a really good tool, you can do a lot of things, because have the opportunity to take a picture of a moment… I say, you are taking a piece of the time and capture that to remember and can go back in the time… the most beautiful thing.

  2. Hello teacher! it's so good to know a little more about you :), I also love photos but my hand is terribly shaky so the pics end up always blurry haha

  3. I think the camera is a beautiful invention, you can save moments of your life and repeat them, it´s amazing!

  4. Teacher. I hope you're well. I love that you like photography, I think it can even become a form of expression and art. Like you, I love capturing pleasant moments and incredible landscapes. I hope you can share some of your most beautiful photographs with us. See you!

  5. I feel like the camera is like another brain where you can go to the memories and see the best part of our lives, i think that the choice of a camera is very original and funny because there a lot of tecnology option to say and the most popular will be cellphones or pcs, take care sir!

  6. I really enjoy taking photos too and i think the camara is a great invention, you can’t procrastinate with it as you do with a cellphone or a computer. it serves its functions with precision.

  7. i like photography too, i hope have a camera in the future, i really like have one!!!!
    I think the same, having so many photos I don't usually see them later

  8. It's not weird that a lot of people at this time like to take photos, The quality of the cameras improve with the time and now it feels like what you captured at that moment it's unreal. I don't like to take photos, the main reason it's because I always forgot that the camera exist, and i'm so inmersive in what i'm doing or talking, that i really forget to take a picture, it's sounds fake, specially in these years but I would say that I live the moment...? or something like that

  9. Your piece of technology is cool and take photos is a very good hobbie, but i dont know so much about that, because I dont know configure very well a professional camera, even if whit my phone sometimes I take photos to the landscapes and i like save them for to be able to see them in the future... Is very nostalgic.

    Best regards.

  10. oh, I always wanted a camera but they are very expensive, I hope to see some of your photos one day :)

  11. Having a camera and giving yourself the opportunity to spend time with it's something very beautiful, be able to obtain beautiful pictures with all the tools that exist. Like you, photography is something that I would like to learn at some point of my life, but I've always believed that it's not completely necessary to have a camera to enjoy photography, the magic that someone can reach with a cell phone is amazing.

  12. I think curious that your piece of technology favorite is the camera, because I think isn't something usual, but i believe pass time cature photos it's so cool.

  13. i would like to learn to use a professional camera. is it a digital camera? when i have used a proffesional camera i have no idea what i can do with so many options and configurations. i think take a photo take a photo and dont touch enything else.

  14. Hi professor, what fun it must be to be taking pictures of people with such genuine reactions, I haven't done it because I'm embarrassed to be found out and get upset.

  15. Yeah i agree, Cameras are an important tool to the humanity, take photos is a kind of art, i mean, with a one single picture you can communicate a lot of emotions and feelings.

  16. Hello teacher, I hope you're well.
    It's interesting to read that your favorite piece of technology is the camera. If I had to choose another one after watches, that would be it. I think a camera does more than take pictures. It captures important moments, places, spaces and people that mark our lives and that we may never see or share again. For that very reason I love them and share the same as you. :D

  17. Hi Teacher, how entertaining the world of photography, my cousin is still very focused on that, and he complemented with his studies, and a question some tips to start?

  18. hi, teacher, i hope you're well. taking photographs is one of my favorites hobbies, because you can capture every moment, every feeling, and the results are beautiful. it's really exciting just to think about all those magic frames and all those moments.

  19. Hi, I would like to buy a camera, although I don't know how to use it, I could learn by YouTube hahaha to capture nice moments with my family.

  20. Hello teacher 😊 I think the camera is great, I really like taking pictures of buildings while I'm walking. I hope you are well. Regards!

  21. Where is the photo teacheer! 🌄 Hahaha I would like to see some of your arts. I like the camera too, its impressive how u can not just capture a moment but a feel ✨

  22. Hi teacher Claudio, My grandfather is a Professional photographer but he studied in the university of life, any way he teach me how to make pictures and give me my first camera, its a Canon Rebel, a good camera by the way.


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