Post 6 >> Free/Themed Post

 Dear students,

It is time to our sixth blog session, in which we have a free or themed post.


Remember! After your writing activity you must read and leave comments on my blog and on 3 of your classmates' posts.

This is a 160 words post (as a minimum).

Riding a bicycle without brakes sounds like a rash move, but a new wave of cyclists is eschewing traditional bikes for a stripped-down machine known as a fixed-gear. 
It is one of the most basic machines you can build with two wheels. A fixed-gear bike – or fixie – has no derailleur as it has only one gear, so as long as the wheels turn, so do the pedals. Its rider can’t freewheel and the only way to brake is to stand on the pedals.

The fixed-gear’s renaissance supposedly stems from West Indian immigrants in New York working as cycle couriers in the Eighties. They had used them at home because they were cheap and easy to maintain, and continued using them in the US. Their popularity spread throughout the courier community, crossing to the UK and some Latin American countries.

As the fixie craze has taken off so has the number of new riders who enter ‘alleycats’ – unofficial road races consisting of a series of checkpoints on a set route. Alleycats originated in America and were organised for and by cycle couriers but now inexperienced riders participate.

These races now take place in Santiago and threaten to colour public opinion of the growing urban cyclist subculture.


  1. I love riding my bike, it's a mix of mountain bike with city wheels, I always think fixies are so cool because I have many friends with one and in many situations I was able to use one and they are so fast, faster than I thought.

  2. I think my brother has a fixed, but I'm not sure. I feel like the design of it looks very clean, no wires, I really like it.
    I did not know that they had that background, well every day you learn something new. Thank you Professor.

  3. Wow, I didnt know this type of bikes... it looks so interesting... Apparently you are very athletic, very nice!

  4. Very interesting teacher, i don´t know ride bikes :c

  5. It seems like a risky move, I definitely couldn't do it, because even with a regular bike I'm afraid to ride through the streets of Santiago and have an accident.

  6. Hi teacher. That sounds like something that takes a lot of practice. I personally learned to ride a bike when I was older and it still scared me hahaha.

  7. I like to ride bike, and i want to get this type of bike, the fixie are so cool

  8. that kind of bike sounds dangerous, I don't think I would ride a bike without brakes jeje

  9. I'm so afraid of riding a bike that I never learn how to do it, and reading this makes me stand with not ride a bike

  10. It is very interesting the history of those bikes, I would like one day to have one and learn to handle it without your hands as it appears in the photograph, I have never been able to do it without fear of falling haha.

  11. Very interesting teacher, here south that is used the most are the mountbike to go downhill.

  12. Hello teacher, I hope you're well.
    I find it very interesting to read the topic you addressed. I had never heard of them before and I'm really surprised. I hope someday to learn to ride them without taking my hands on the handlebars ajaja.

  13. Just like you, I love to ride my bicycle, I use a mountain bike and I like to go out to Cerro San Cristobal during sunset approximately twice a week. It is incredible how the culture has grown, every time the streets are more full of cyclists, new cycle paths should be built. Greetings!

  14. hello professor, recently I decided to buy a bicycle to go to university because my house is close, unfortunately the pandemic ruined everything so I only take it to go for a ride from time to time

  15. I did not know this information about bicycles. It is very interesting to know the possibilities in terms of freedom of movement. I'd like to ride a bike like that but I'm pretty sure I'd fall on my face.

  16. Hi teacher! very interesting, but i think is a little bit scary

  17. woow, I always hear about this type of bikes on my city, temuco, because there are also races with checkpoints here, but i dont know if its the same.


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