Post 7 >> Carrer-Related Website OR An Expert on your Field

 For this post, you have to choose only ONE of these 2 options:

Post 1 (Instructions). 

Write about a career-related website that you enjoy visiting.

You have to:

- Provide the link
- Describe the website (sections, features,etc)
- Say how often you visit the site
- Explain why you like the site.

>Add comments to 3 of your classmates’ blogs + a comment on your teacher's post

>Word Count: 170


Post 2 (Instructions)

Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?


-Who she/he is. (short biography)
-What she/he has done. (examples of their work)
-Why you like her/him.
-Include his/her image

> About 170 words
>Add comments to 3 of your classmates’ blogs + a comment on your teacher's post.

Well to be honest it was not easy for me to start writing this blog. I was not sure about which topic I should choose. At the end I have decided to talk about an expert on my field.

Well to be honest it was not easy for me to start writing this blog.
I was not sure about which topic I should choose.

At the end I have decided to write about an expert on my field. I remember that when I started studying I did not know what subjects I would have. One of them caught my attention immediately. That subject was phonetics and phonology. I had 3 semester of this subject and it was not easy but on my first year the teacher asked us to work with this really nice book, its name is phonetics and phonology, it was written by Peter Roach.

Peter Roach is a british phonetician, he was born in 30 June 1943. He is a graduate of Psychology and Philosophy, after that he studied at Manchester University where he studied teaching English overseas. Then, he decided to start his postgraduate studies, the course he took was Phonetics. He also completed a PhD. He retired in 2004.

I really like his book because it helped me a lot when I was a student. I still use it sometimes. When I was a student it was hard to understand the different chapters but now that I read it well it isn’t that easy but it isn’t as hard as it used to be.

This is Peter Roach
This is the book that I use, but now there is a fourth edition.


  1. I had never heard of Peter Roach and that he is a phonetician, I find the field of language studies quite interesting, I think I will read a summary of the book to learn more about it, good post!

  2. I think it must be difficult to learn by reading phonetics and phonology, English is not my area but I think so, I think I could not learn that way tot, if you are a teacher and it is difficult for you, we are fried hahaha
    This book must be very difficult to read.

  3. I was not aware of Peter Roach and his contribution to phonetics, now i will keep him in mind :D thanks!

  4. Is nice have a person that you cand fell admiration, makes u feel live

  5. it's amazing when the study takes you to admire people for helping you on your learning path, I think this is why you admire this character so much and you can see the help that this person and his book I can give you.

  6. Wow! This is the first time I have heard of Peter Roach, studying phonetics must be very complicated. It has happened to me that sometimes I do not understand some things in my career and I find teachers on YouTube who save me hahaha. 😄

  7. it's a living hell when you say a word using the wrong phonem and the meaning of the word changes :(

  8. I never heard of the existence of Peter Roach, he seems to have been someone with a great contribution to the study of languages. How good that his book has helped you a lot in your studies!

  9. An interesting person, I think I'll take a look at his book

  10. I'm glad you were able to find someone to help you with your studies, I'll save the name for when I take an English course.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Woow, Dr Peter Roach, must be a very influential intellectual on the subject of english phonology, I'll take a look at his book, hopefully find some podcast on Spotify referring to the topic hahaha

  13. Phonetics is a particularly important part to learn to acquire a new language, Peter Roach is a genius who made what he knew available to others.

  14. Hello teacher, I hope you're well.
    I had never heard of him, but how interesting to know what he does, what he did, and how important he was to you in your education. Surely, he must be a genius.

  15. Hello Professor, I believe that these people (referents) are of great inspiration in any area. In your case, I find the subject of phonetics very interesting, besides that it is not an easy area to study at all.


  17. this book sound like a very strong tool to learn more and easily. but on my case, i dont really enojy reading even on spanish, so, try to read this book mean a challenge to me.

  18. I think that phonetic is so important in your area, this book looks interesting, maybe I will chek it... regards!


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